Voting for Sam to use her XP to get the Stuffed Hedgehog Named Henry.
On Wednesday, we were invited by Good Company Theatre, the theatre company of our brilliant actor Alicia Washington to present a reading of Zombie Thoughts to the Boys and Girls Club in Ogden. Half of the Plan-B folks road tripped up to us, half of us were thrilled to be in Ogden for a minute.
This was our first performance with a full audience of age appropriate folks (we love our adults, but this really wasn’t made for them!). It was so fun to watch the kids excited to get to participate and make choices. I didn’t anticipate that they would cheer when their selection was chosen by the group to be performed.
After the reading, a boy around ten came up to the actors and told them that he gets scared a lot and he deals with anxiety and it was good to talk about it. It was a most excellent day.